
 November 14, 2024

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“I have a sunshine problem,” realized Dr. Kelsey Dexter, endocrinologist, after, despite living an otherwise clean and healthy life, began experiencing neurological problems and a subsequent diagnosis of MS. After being “aggressively sun avoidant” for most of her life, she began “an intentional sun practice,” and her symptoms were quickly alleviated, sending her down a quantum biology and circadian health rabbit hole. Now, she’s on a mission to help people understand the connection between circadian disruption and chronic disease, and particularly to help address the overrepresentation of obesity and diabetes in the Southeast region of the U.S. where she holds her practice. 

Too often, Dr. Kelsey says, people identify too deeply with their diagnoses and diseases, which has repercussions even at the biological level. She expresses support for her fellow physicians who would otherwise embrace preventative medicine more fully but are tied to a traditional system which works against them. 

Join today’s episode of the Quantum Biology Collective podcast to learn how Dr. Kelsey is joining the charge toward a new medical paradigm.


  • “My mission now is to teach people about light. That’s what I’m most passionate about and I want everyone who is faced with any kind of chronic disease to know that they have power over this, and when you change your environment, when you change the inputs, the body has a pretty miraculous way of coming back into balance.” (13:19 | Dr. Kelsey Dexter)
  • “I just hope everybody can hear that message that we are supposed to be in connection with the earth for optimal health, and before you consider taking medicine to modulate your immune function or taking medicine to lower your blood sugar, or whatever, if you have the capacity to connect to the outside world…you can just improve so much more quickly, overall.” (13:53 | Dr. Kelsey Dexter)
  • “It’s so important, no matter what training you have, how many degrees you have, to stay open-minded and to stay curious and to be willing to try things because sometimes sticking to our dogma can really hurt us.” (16:01 | Dr. Kelsey Dexter)
  • “If you over-identify with your illness, your illness will consume you.” (51:00 | Dr. Kelsey Dexter)


Connect with Kelsey Dexter:

Website: www.kelseydextermd.com (under construction)

https://l.bttr.to/pvSh5 (new patient booking link)

https://www.skool.com/circadian-health-revival-2974 (Skool group)

Instagram: @kelseydextermd

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To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com

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