
 March 7, 2025

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“We need to see all that in the health bubble,” says Willie Duggan, third-generation lighting designer, who joins the Quantum Biology Collective podcast to illuminate the critical intersection between lighting design and human health. Duggan explains why the lighting industry’s obsession with efficiency metrics has led to environments that disrupt our circadian rhythms and potentially harm our health. He shares insights from his own journey of recovery from a stroke at age 33, which sparked a passion for understanding the profound impact of our lit environments on our biology.

Today, Willie reveals how he’s revolutionizing residential lighting design by incorporating circadian considerations, infrared light, and dynamic color temperature control. He discusses the challenges of educating an industry steeped in outdated paradigms and the exciting potential for collaboration between lighting professionals and health experts. Tune in to learn how Willie is building his own home as a prototype for health-optimized lighting and why he believes we’re on the cusp of a paradigm shift in how we light our living spaces.

5 Key Takeaways

1. Design your home lighting with health in mind. Use dynamic white lighting that changes color temperature throughout the day, dimming and becoming warmer in the evening to support circadian rhythms.

2. Incorporate low-level lighting, like LED strips at skirting level, for evening use. This provides indirect, glare-free illumination from below rather than harsh overhead lighting.

3. Prioritize natural light by maximizing windows, especially south-facing ones. Position work areas near openable windows to get full daylight exposure when possible.

4. Be mindful of when and where you need functional task lighting versus ambient lighting. Many homes overuse bright overhead lights when softer, indirect lighting would be more appropriate and healthier.

5. Consider adding infrared light sources to your home, as this was present in incandescent bulbs but is lacking in most LED lighting. Look into emerging LED products that incorporate infrared wavelengths.

Memorable Quotes

“We need to see all of that in the health bubble, in terms of understanding it from a health perspective. It’s products, but it’s how they’re combined. We can integrate different products in our spaces and create different circuits that we switch on and off at different times of the day.”

“I think residential homes are probably the most important because we spend our time there at crucial times of the day. It’s the morning, it’s the evening, it’s when we’re getting those important cues, sunrise and sunset.”

“The lighting industry and lighting research field need to be checking the papers from the health side. We need proper collaboration between design professionals approaching the same problem from different directions with different perspectives. That’s where we get proper solutions.”

Resources Mentioned

THE LIGHT DOCTOR: Using Light to Boost Health, Improve Sleep, and Live Longer by Dr. Martin Moore-Ede – https://amzn.to/41FhmrX

Connect with Willie

Website – willieduggan.com

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/willie_duggan/

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/willie-duggan-70071731/

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/@willieduggan8

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